• Prenatal package 1


    4 prenatal visits, labor and delivery, 2 postpartum visits + 4 weeks of unlimited text, email and phone support. Coaching, personal support and empowerment.

  • Prenatal package 2


    3 prenatal visits, labor and delivery and 1 postpartum visit.

  • just birth package


    This package is only available for those who have had previous births.

    1 prenatal, labor and delivery and 1 postpartum

  • Postpartum package ~ guide. support. empower.


    3 in person or virtual sessions to support and address your specific needs, answer questions, setting realistic expectations. unlimited email and text support for the first postpartum month

  • Placenta Prints


    If you are not sure what to do with your placenta, a print is a beautiful way to honor this incredible organ that your body grew and sustained your baby! I can do these prints at your home or mine.

    *This is not encapsulation*